Search for: Warehouse-for-rent-near-farka-e-vogel-in-tirana Real Estate Tirana

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Land for sale in Lugjasi street in Tirana, Albania.

With a total surface of 1236 m2 it is organiz
For Sale 719-27T 210.000 €

Land for sale in Lugjasi street in Tirana, Albania. With a total surface of 1236 m2 it is organized in: 300 m2 as a building and the rest as land. The land is ...

Parking spaces for sale at Mirabella Rezidence in Tirana.

The surface is 13 m2.

It has easy ac
For Sale 1222-73V 15.750 €

Parking spaces for sale at Mirabella Rezidence in Tirana. The surface is 13 m2. It has easy access with this areas : Oxhaku , Porcelani , Xhamlliku , Unaza e ...

Commercial space for rent in Pasho Hysa street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the first flo
For Rent 319-22T 1000 €

Commercial space for rent in Pasho Hysa street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the first floor of a two storey villa. It offers a total surface of 270 m2 ...

Warehouse for rent in Tirana-Durres highway in secondary street.

The environment has a surface of
For Rent 817-27K 1600 €

Warehouse for rent in Tirana-Durres highway in secondary street. The environment has a surface of 430 m2 that can easily be organized according to ...

Warehouse for rent on the Tirana-Durres highway, in front of QTU.
The total area is 297 m2, organiz
For Rent 123-55R 750 €

Warehouse for rent on the Tirana-Durres highway, in front of QTU. The total area is 297 m2, organized into two smaller spaces, respectively, with an area of 200 m2 ...

3-storey building for rent in Sukth area of  in Durres.
It is positioned on the side of the ma
For Rent DRS-219-1L 2800 €

3-storey building for rent in Sukth area of  in Durres. It is positioned on the side of the main road with direct access to it. It offers 850 m2 of land ...

Land for sale near Selman Bulku street in Farka e Vogel area in Tirana, Albania.
It is located very
For Sale 1019-82S 400.000 €

Land for sale near Selman Bulku street in Farka e Vogel area in Tirana, Albania. It is located very close to Farka lake. The land has an surface of 4000 m2. The ...

Two storey villa and Land for sale in Lugjasi street in Tirana, Albania.

It has a land surface of
For Sale 719-26T 980.000 €

Two storey villa and Land for sale in Lugjasi street in Tirana, Albania. It has a land surface of 10373 m2 and building surface of 470 m2. The villa is ...

Land for sale near Farke-Surrel Street in Tirana.

It is located near on the side of the main stre
For Sale 315-31b 166.725 €

Land for sale near Farke-Surrel Street in Tirana. It is located near on the side of the main street. According the urban plan for this area it has been approved ...

Apartment for rent in Farke in Tirana.

The apartment is situated on the ground floor of a villa i
For Rent 218-49R 1000 €

Apartment for rent in Farke in Tirana. The apartment is situated on the ground floor of a villa in Farke. The total surface of 150 m2 is organized in a salon ...

Apartment for rent in Farke area in Tirana.

The apartment is situated on the second floor of a vi
For Rent 218-60R 1000 €

Apartment for rent in Farke area in Tirana. The apartment is situated on the second floor of a villa that has recently been finished.  The total surface ...

Land for sale close to Lunder in Gurra e Vogel Village.

The land has 900 m2 of total area.

For Sale 815-7m 230.000 €

Land for sale close to Lunder in Gurra e Vogel Village. The land has 900 m2 of total area. It is surrounded by a high wall, and there are planted different ...

Warehouse for rent in Agon street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the ground floor of a two&
For Rent 919-21T 1000 €

Warehouse for rent in Agon street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a two storey villa. With a total surface of 350 m2 it is ...

Land for sale in Karbunar village in Lushnja.
It has a surface of 5230m2 and is classified as agric
For Sale LUS-923-1A 56.300 €

Land for sale in Karbunar village in Lushnja. It has a surface of 5230m2 and is classified as agricultural land. The land has a regular rectangular shape and a ...

Wharehouse for rent, near Dardania Street, in Tirana, Albania.

It has a total space of 2050 m2 or
For Rent 219-39T 7800 €

Wharehouse for rent, near Dardania Street, in Tirana, Albania. It has a total space of 2050 m2 organised in: 600 m2 used for offices and 1450 m2 ...

Warehouse for rent near Tirane-Durres highway in Kashar, Tirana, Albania

It is located on the 2nd
For Rent 1020-53V 600 €

Warehouse for rent near Tirane-Durres highway in Kashar, Tirana, Albania It is located on the 2nd floor of a two storey building. It has a surface of 232 m2 ...

Warehouse for rent in Llazi Miho street in Tirane, Albania.

It is located on the second floor of
For Rent 619-1T 1500 €

Warehouse for rent in Llazi Miho street in Tirane, Albania. It is located on the second floor of a three storey building. It has a total surface of 800 m2 and ...

Warehouse for rent in Llazar Xhajanka street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the ground floo
For Rent 519-57T 750 €

Warehouse for rent in Llazar Xhajanka street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of one storey building. It has a surface of 500 m2 and is ...

Warehouse for rent in Selita e Vjeter street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the ground floo
For Rent 519-21T 1500 €

Warehouse for rent in Selita e Vjeter street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building. With a total surface of 460 m2 it is ...

Land for sale in Farke e Vogel area in Tirana.

It is located near Farka Lake at Diga Liqenit stre
For Sale 1218-29S 910.000 €

Land for sale in Farke e Vogel area in Tirana. It is located near Farka Lake at Diga Liqenit street, very near the pedestrian also. Provides total area of ...

Modern villa for rent in Farka area in Tirana, Albania.

It has a land area of 239 m2 and a constr
For Rent 421-27V 3500 €

Modern villa for rent in Farka area in Tirana, Albania. It has a land area of 239 m2 and a construction area of 385.7 m2 divided into 4 floors. The first ...

Modern villa for rent in O2 Complex at Farka Lake in Tirana.
It has a total construction area of 29
For Rent 623-34A 8000 €

Modern villa for rent in O2 Complex at Farka Lake in Tirana. It has a total construction area of 296.3 m2, which is divided in three floors. The underground floor ...

Warehouse for rent in Durres – Tirana Highway.

It is located on the side of the highway wit
For Rent 716-37b 2500 €

Warehouse for rent in Durres – Tirana Highway. It is located on the side of the highway with good possibility to advertise your business. The warehouse ...

Warehouse for rent near Marikaj area in Albania.
The warehouse it is positioned near the highw
For Rent 1024-36X 4000 €

Warehouse for rent near Marikaj area in Albania. The warehouse it is positioned near the highway and it offers a surface of 1350m2.  In the usage of the ...