Search for: Store-for-rent-near-tirana-durres-highway Real Estate Tirana

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Land for sale near Airport Street in Tirana.
It is located near the main road, with direct access t
For Sale 419-62L 467.500 . €

Land for sale near Airport Street in Tirana. It is located near the main road, with direct access to it. The land has a total surface of 8500 m2 with a regular ...

Store space for rent in Bogdaneve Street in Tirana.
It is situated on the ground floor in a new bui
For Rent 216-30b 1200 €

Store space for rent in Bogdaneve Street in Tirana. It is situated on the ground floor in a new building, on the side of the main street. The store has 142 m2 of ...

Store for rent in Adbulla Keta Street in Tirana. It is located on the basement in a new building, on
For Rent 516-24b 800 €

Store for rent in Adbulla Keta Street in Tirana. It is located on the basement in a new building, on the side of the main road. The store has 300 m2 organized in ...

Warehouse for rent in Limuthit Street in Tirana.

It is located on the side of the main road in th
For Rent 416-16b 2500 €

Warehouse for rent in Limuthit Street in Tirana. It is located on the side of the main road in the middle of Kashar and Vore area. The warehouse has 1450 m2 ...

Warehouse for rent in Limuthit Street in Tirana.

It is located on the side of the main road in th
For Rent 516-51b 1200 €

Warehouse for rent in Limuthit Street in Tirana. It is located on the side of the main road in the middle of Kashar and Vore area. The warehouse has 700 m2 of ...

Store space for rent in Saraceve street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the ground floor of a
For Rent 120-45T 300 €

Store space for rent in Saraceve street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building near main street. This property has a total ...

Store space for rent near the Prosecution of Tirana.

It is situated on the ground floor in an old
For Rent 915-65b 200 €

Store space for rent near the Prosecution of Tirana. It is situated on the ground floor in an old building on the side of the main street. The store has 37 m2 ...

Land for sale near Industriale Street in Tirana.

It is located near the main street; also it has
For Sale 914-16b 850.000 €

Land for sale near Industriale Street in Tirana. It is located near the main street; also it has access in Kastriotet Street. This property has a surface ...

Store for rent in front of Nene Tereza Hospitality in Tirana.
The shop is located on the ground flo
For Rent 816-33b 1500 €

Store for rent in front of Nene Tereza Hospitality in Tirana. The shop is located on the ground floor in a new building, close to main road. It has 236 m2 of open ...

Store for rent in Kongresi i Tiranes Street in Tirana.
It is situated on the first and the basement
For Rent 1215-27b 4000 €

Store for rent in Kongresi i Tiranes Street in Tirana. It is situated on the first and the basement floor in a new building. The store has 528 m2 of total space ...

Store for sale in Mihal Duri Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the ground floor of a new buildi
For Sale 1019-26L 100.000 €

Store for sale in Mihal Duri Street in Tirana. It is situated on the ground floor of a new building very close to the main street. It has 75 m2 of total space ...

 Store for sale in Pavaresia street in Durres.
The store is situated on the second floor of a
For Sale DRS-1217-2R 230.000 €

 Store for sale in Pavaresia street in Durres. The store is situated on the second floor of a new building, equipped with special stairs that lead to the ...

Store for rent near Artificial Lake in Tirana, Albania.
Store space for rent in Peti street in Tira
For Rent 519-53T 600 €

Store for rent near Artificial Lake in Tirana, Albania. Store space for rent in Peti street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the first floor of a new building ...

Store space for rent in Peti street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the ground floor of a new
For Rent 120-8T 650 €

Store space for rent in Peti street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building close to the main street. With a total surface of 80 ...

Store space for rent in Peti street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the ground floor of a busi
For Rent 120-10T 400 €

Store space for rent in Peti street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a business center. With a total surface of 20 m2 it is organized in: ...

Store space for rent in Pjeter Budi street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the ground floor on
For Rent 1019-1T 1800 €

Store space for rent in Pjeter Budi street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor on the side of the main street. With a total surface of 150 m2 ...

Modern apartment for rent in Shkelqim Fusha Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the 5-th floor in
For Rent 316-40b 350 €

Modern apartment for rent in Shkelqim Fusha Street in Tirana. It is situated on the 5-th floor in a new building, close to the main street. The flat has 105 ...

Land for sale in Tirana-Rinas highway near Nene Tereza Airport.
The land has a surface of  11.
For Sale 417-49K 880.000 €

Land for sale in Tirana-Rinas highway near Nene Tereza Airport. The land has a surface of  11.000 m2 with 200 meters in length and 55 meters width. Ideal ...

Warehouse rent in Vore-Marikaj Street in Tirana.
It is located on the side of the main street, abou
For Rent 815-13b 5.000 €

Warehouse rent in Vore-Marikaj Street in Tirana. It is located on the side of the main street, about 15 km away from Tirana and Durresi City. The warehouse has ...

Land for sale near Zalata Street in Tirana.
It is located on the side of the street with 44 meters
For Sale 815-16b 180.000 €

Land for sale near Zalata Street in Tirana. It is located on the side of the street with 44 meters of length. The land has 4000 m2 of total area in a rectangle ...

Land and 2 – storey building for sale in Sallmone area in Durres.
It is located on the side o
For Sale DRS-216-2b 350.000 €

Land and 2 – storey building for sale in Sallmone area in Durres. It is located on the side of the main street with direct access in Durres-Tirana ...

Store for sale at Shkembi i Kavajes close to the sea in Durres.

The environment has a total surfa
For Sale 717-1K 250.000 €

Store for sale at Shkembi i Kavajes close to the sea in Durres. The environment has a total surface of 225 m2 organized into: an underground space of 100 m2, ...

Building for rent close to Durres-Tirana Highway

It is located very close to main road and it has
For Rent DRR-117-2L 3500 €

Building for rent close to Durres-Tirana Highway It is located very close to main road and it has good possibility to advertise your business. The building is ...

Land for sale near Kulle village in Sukth area.

It has rectangular form with dimensions 24 m2 * 1
For Sale DRS-215-2b 31.000 €

Land for sale near Kulle village in Sukth area. It has rectangular form with dimensions 24 m2 * 100 m2. The land has 2.400 m2 of space with direct exit in the ...