Search for: Store for rent in Dibra Street in Tirana Real Estate Tirana

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Store for rent near Dibra street, in Zenel Baboci street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the
For Rent 419-53S 150 €

Store for rent near Dibra street, in Zenel Baboci street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the underground floor of a new building. It has a surface of 42 ...

Store for rent in Zenel Baboci Street in Tirana, Albania
It is positioned on the ground floor of th
For Rent 1122-63G 300 €

Store for rent in Zenel Baboci Street in Tirana, Albania It is positioned on the ground floor of the new building, very close to the main road. It offers an area ...

Store for rent in Isa Boletini Street in Tirana

The store is situated on the first floor of a new
For Rent 1215-30K 500 €

Store for rent in Isa Boletini Street in Tirana The store is situated on the first floor of a new building very close to the center of city. The store offers ...

Store space for rent near Adem Jashari Square in Tirana.

It is located on the ground floor of a 3
For Rent 319-6L 1500 €

Store space for rent near Adem Jashari Square in Tirana. It is located on the ground floor of a 3-storey building on the side of the main street. The shop ...

Store for rent near Sweden Embassy in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the ground floor of a thr
For Rent 319-18T 400 €

Store for rent near Sweden Embassy in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a three storey villa. The store offers a total surface of 64 m2 ...

Store space for rent in Naim Frasheri Street in Tirana.

It is located on the ground floor of a 3-
For Rent 219-11L 400 €

Store space for rent in Naim Frasheri Street in Tirana. It is located on the ground floor of a 3-storey building close to the main street. The shop has a ...

Store for sale in Dibra Street in Tirana.

The store is situated on the second floor of a new buil
For Sale 417-11K 75.000 €

Store for sale in Dibra Street in Tirana. The store is situated on the second floor of a new building. It has a surface of  38 m2 distribuited in open ...