Search for: Parking-for-sale-near-fiore-di-bosko-area Real Estate Tirana

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Garage space for rent in Shefqet Musaraj street in Tirana, Albania.
The surface of the space is 42
For Rent 821-14F 200 €

Garage space for rent in Shefqet Musaraj street in Tirana, Albania. The surface of the space is 42 sqm and it is located in the underground part of a new building ...

Duplex for rent in Skender Jareci street in Tirana, Albania

It has a total surface of 270 m2 divi
For Rent 820-3V 1000 €

Duplex for rent in Skender Jareci street in Tirana, Albania It has a total surface of 270 m2 divided in two floors. First floor has a surface of 135 m2 ...

Two-bedroom apartment in Spiro Dine street in Tirana, Albania.
The home is part of a one-storey hou
For Rent 122-8S 300 €

Two-bedroom apartment in Spiro Dine street in Tirana, Albania. The home is part of a one-storey house in the area of Astir. It has a total surface of 85 m2 ...


Business space for sale in Teodor Keko street, in the area of Astiri in Tirana, Albania.
For Sale 223-51Z 149.000 €

Okazion! Business space for sale in Teodor Keko street, in the area of Astiri in Tirana, Albania. The space is positioned on the basement floor of a new ...

Apartment for rent in Xhanfize Keko street in Tirana, Albania.
The home is part of a new complex an
For Rent 1221-40N 500 €

Apartment for rent in Xhanfize Keko street in Tirana, Albania. The home is part of a new complex and it is positioned on the 5th living floor. It offers an inner ...

Store for sale on Ymer Kurti street in Tirana.
It is located on the -1st floor of a new building.
For Sale 1122-28G 30.000 €

Store for sale on Ymer Kurti street in Tirana. It is located on the -1st floor of a new building. It offers a surface of 30 m2 and a height of 3m. The ...

Garage for sale in Kole Koci street near Migjeni Boulevard in Yzberisht area in Tirana.
It has
For Sale 224-63A 23.000 €

Garage for sale in Kole Koci street near Migjeni Boulevard in Yzberisht area in Tirana. It has a surface of 24m2 and is positioned on the -1 floor of a new ...