Search for: Office space for rent near Dibra street in Tirana Real Estate Tirana

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Office space for rent in Mahmut Fortuzi street, near Lidhja e Prizrenit School, in Tirana, Albania.&
For Rent 424-47Z 600 €

Office space for rent in Mahmut Fortuzi street, near Lidhja e Prizrenit School, in Tirana, Albania.  Positioned on the second floor of a new building with ...

Office space for rent near Barrikadave Street and Sami Frasheri High School, in Tirana, Albania.
For Rent 424-49Z 650 €

Office space for rent near Barrikadave Street and Sami Frasheri High School, in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the first floor of a new building with ...

Office for rent in Bilal Sina Street, in Tirana, Albania.
The office is positioned on the 2nd techn
For Rent 123-14Z 800 €

Office for rent in Bilal Sina Street, in Tirana, Albania. The office is positioned on the 2nd technical floor of a building with an elevator. It has a total area ...

Office space for rent in Mujo Ulqinaku Street, near the Catholic Church, in Tirana, Albania.
The of
For Rent 123-34Z 800 €

Office space for rent in Mujo Ulqinaku Street, near the Catholic Church, in Tirana, Albania. The office is positioned on the 2nd floor of a new building with an ...

Office space for rent in Ndreko Niko street, in Tirana.
The office is positioned on the 1st floor o
For Rent 1022-45Z 600 €

Office space for rent in Ndreko Niko street, in Tirana. The office is positioned on the 1st floor of a new building with an elevator on the main street. It has a ...

Office space for rent near Wilson square in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the first floor of
For Rent 1020-6V 4420 €

Office space for rent near Wilson square in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the first floor of a new building with an elevator. It has a surface of 340 m2 ...

Office space for rent near the Zogu i Zi roundabout in Tirana, Albania

It is located on the 7th&n
For Rent 1020-28V 1300 €

Office space for rent near the Zogu i Zi roundabout in Tirana, Albania It is located on the 7th floor of a new building with elevator. It has a ...

Office for rent near Medrese area, in Besim Daja Street, in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the
For Rent 219-41T 300 €

Office for rent near Medrese area, in Besim Daja Street, in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the third floor of an old building, without  lift. It has a ...

Office space for rent it Bajram Curri Boulevard in Tirana, Albania.
It is positioned on the second
For Rent 123-9G 530 €

Office space for rent it Bajram Curri Boulevard in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the second floor of a new building on the main street. It offers a surface ...

Office for rent near Dritan Hoxha street in Tirana, Albania.
It is placed on the first and second f
For Rent 821-44F 2500 €

Office for rent near Dritan Hoxha street in Tirana, Albania. It is placed on the first and second floor of a new building. The place has a total surface of 300 ...

Office space for rent near Toptani Center in central Tirana.
Located on the 6th floor of a mod
For Rent 1024-28A 1800 €

Office space for rent near Toptani Center in central Tirana. Located on the 6th floor of a modern building with an elevator, this office covers 133m2 and is ...

Store for rent in 4 Deshmoret Street near the Selvia area in Tirana, Albania.
It is positioned on t
For Rent 923-3Z 450 €

Store for rent in 4 Deshmoret Street near the Selvia area in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the ground floor of a new building on a main street. The total ...

Office space for rent near Concord Centre in Tirana. 
It offers a total surface of 130 m2 and
For Rent 324-38X 500 €

Office space for rent near Concord Centre in Tirana.  It offers a total surface of 130 m2 and an inner surface of 114 m2.  It is organised into 4 office ...

Office space for rent in Abdi Toptani street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the 3rd floor o
For Rent 421-1V 1000 €

Office space for rent in Abdi Toptani street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 3rd floor of a new building with elevator. It has a surface of 64 m2 ...

Office for rent in Abdulla Keta street in Tirana.
The office it is positioned on the third floor of
For Rent 524-39X 600 €

Office for rent in Abdulla Keta street in Tirana. The office it is positioned on the third floor of a new building with an elevator.  It offers an inner ...

Store for sale in Abdulla Keta street very close Dibra street, in Tirana, Albania. 
It is posi
For Sale 524-15Z 80.000 €

Store for sale in Abdulla Keta street very close Dibra street, in Tirana, Albania.  It is positioned on the ground floor of a building with elevator very ...

Office space for rent in Abdyl Pajo street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the 8th floor of
For Rent 1220-13V 600 €

Office space for rent in Abdyl Pajo street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 8th floor of a new building with elevator. It has a surface of 200 m2 ...

Office space for rent near Wilson square in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the 8th floor of a
For Rent 1020-9V 1150 €

Office space for rent near Wilson square in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 8th floor of a new business building with recepsion. It has a surface of 100 ...

Office space for rent near Tirana Center  in Albania

It is located on the 8th floor of a new
For Rent 1120-20V 700 €

Office space for rent near Tirana Center  in Albania It is located on the 8th floor of a new building with elevator. It has a surface of 163.2 m2 ...

Shop for rent  near Cerciz Topulli Street in Tirana.

The space is located on the ground floo
For Rent 924-30C 450 €

Shop for rent  near Cerciz Topulli Street in Tirana. The space is located on the ground floor of a building. The shop has an area of 42 m2 and consists ...

Ambient zyre me qira tek Kompleksi Arlis ne rrugen e Dibres ne Tirane.
Zyra eshte e pozicionuar ne
For Rent 524-27Z 500 €

Ambient zyre me qira tek Kompleksi Arlis ne rrugen e Dibres ne Tirane. Zyra eshte e pozicionuar ne katin e 8 te nje pallati te ri te sapoperfunduar. Me nje ...

Office space for rent near Barrikadave street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the first and
For Rent 920-26V 7000 €

Office space for rent near Barrikadave street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the first and second floor  of a new building with an ...

Office space for rent in Dibra Street, at Vila Gold, in Tirana, Albania. 
The office is posi
For Rent 424-22Z 2700 €

Office space for rent in Dibra Street, at Vila Gold, in Tirana, Albania.  The office is positioned on the 6th floor of a building dedicated to business, the ...

Office space for rent at Arlis Complex, Farmacia 10, in Dibra Street in Tirana, Albania.
The office
For Rent 423-41Z 1000 €

Office space for rent at Arlis Complex, Farmacia 10, in Dibra Street in Tirana, Albania. The office is positoned on the first floor of a new building with elevator ...