Search for: Office for rent in sulejman delvina street in tirana Real Estate Tirana

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Two bedroom apartment for rent on Gjik Kuqali street in Tirana. 

The house is located on the
For Rent 524-14C 600 €

Two bedroom apartment for rent on Gjik Kuqali street in Tirana.  The house is located on the second floor of an old  building without elevator. It ...

Office for rent in Gjik Kuqali Street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the ground floor of an o
For Rent 123-26G 320 €

Office for rent in Gjik Kuqali Street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of an old building with a separate entrance. It offers an area of 55 ...

Studio apartment for rent in Grigor Heba street in Tirana, Albania
It is placed on the first floor
For Rent 122-3S 300 €

Studio apartment for rent in Grigor Heba street in Tirana, Albania It is placed on the first floor of an old building. The homes surface is 32 m2 divided in a ...

Studio apartment for rent in Grigor Heba street near Sulejman Delvina street in Tirana, Albania.
For Rent 122-18N 400 €

Studio apartment for rent in Grigor Heba street near Sulejman Delvina street in Tirana, Albania. The house is positioned on the first floor of an old building near ...

Office space for rent in Komuna e Parisit area in Tirana, Albania.
It is situated on the ground flo
For Rent 120-55S 800 €

Office space for rent in Komuna e Parisit area in Tirana, Albania. It is situated on the ground floor of a new building. The store has a surface of 256 m2, is ...

Two bedroom apartment for rent in Haxhi Kika street in Tirana.
It is located on the second floor of
For Rent 1121-2V 400 €

Two bedroom apartment for rent in Haxhi Kika street in Tirana. It is located on the second floor of a new building with elevator. The apartments surface is 95 m2 ...

Two-bedroom apartment for rent in Haxhi Kika street in Tirana.
It is placed on the 3rd floor of a n
For Rent 521-37V 450 €

Two-bedroom apartment for rent in Haxhi Kika street in Tirana. It is placed on the 3rd floor of a new building. The apartment has a surface of 100 m2 and it is ...

Store space for sale in Jusuf Vrioni street in Tirana, Albania.
The shop is in the form of a duplex
For Sale 122-42A 300.000 €

Store space for sale in Jusuf Vrioni street in Tirana, Albania. The shop is in the form of a duplex where 60 m2 are on the first floor and 60 m2 in the ...

Office space for rent near Sulejman Delvina Street in Tirana.

Located on the 2nd floor of a new b
For Rent 422-16V 500 €

Office space for rent near Sulejman Delvina Street in Tirana. Located on the 2nd floor of a new building with elevator. It has an area of 84.3 m2 organized in ...

Store space for sale near Margarita Tutulani Street in Tirana.
It is situated on the first floor in
For Sale 1014-49b 84.000 €

Store space for sale near Margarita Tutulani Street in Tirana. It is situated on the first floor in an old building, on the side of the main street. The shop has ...

Commercial space for rent near Kosovare street, in Margarita Tutulani street.
It is located on the
For Rent 823-56R 2500 €

Commercial space for rent near Kosovare street, in Margarita Tutulani street. It is located on the ground floor of an old building. It has a total area of 125 m2 ...

Office for rent in Margarita Tutulani street, near Wilson Square in Tirana.
It is positioned on the
For Rent 323-52Z 1000 €

Office for rent in Margarita Tutulani street, near Wilson Square in Tirana. It is positioned on the 2nd floor of a building next to the main road without ...

Two bedroom apartment for office for rent in Komuna Parisit area in Tirana. 

It is located o
For Rent 1016-7L 400 €

Two bedroom apartment for office for rent in Komuna Parisit area in Tirana.  It is located on the 2-nd floor of a new building near the main street. The ...

Modern apartment for rent in Komuna Parisit area in Tirana.
It is situated on the 5-th floor in a n
For Rent RR-816-38b 700 €

Modern apartment for rent in Komuna Parisit area in Tirana. It is situated on the 5-th floor in a new building, equipped with elevator. The apartment has 120 m2 ...

Office for rent in Robert Shvarc Street close to Vasil Shanto School in Tirana.

It is situated on
For Rent 318-37L 350 €

Office for rent in Robert Shvarc Street close to Vasil Shanto School in Tirana. It is situated on the 1-st floor of a 2-storey villa close to the main ...

Office space for rent in Sami Frasheri street in Tirana, Albania.
It is positioned on the first flo
For Rent 1121-7N 790 €

Office space for rent in Sami Frasheri street in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the first floor of an old building in Blloku area, an area which is preferred ...

Office for rent close to Sulejman Vathi Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the 2-nd floor of a 3
For Rent 318-29L 500 €

Office for rent close to Sulejman Vathi Street in Tirana. It is situated on the 2-nd floor of a 3-satorey villa, close to the main road. With a surface of ...

Two bedroom apartment for office for rent in Tish Dahia Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the 5
For Rent 915-32b 350 €

Two bedroom apartment for office for rent in Tish Dahia Street in Tirana. It is situated on the 5-th floor in a new building, just finished. The building ...

Apartment for rent in Tish Dahia street in Tirana, Albania.

The apartment is situated on the seco
For Rent 1217-32R 500 €

Apartment for rent in Tish Dahia street in Tirana, Albania. The apartment is situated on the second floor of a new building next to Kristal Center in Tish Dahia ...

Apartment for rent in Tish Dahia Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the 5-th floor in a new comp
For Rent 716-52b 500 €

Apartment for rent in Tish Dahia Street in Tirana. It is situated on the 5-th floor in a new complex of buildings, recently built. The apartment 84 m2 of ...

Office space for rent in Tish Dahia street at Komuna e Parisit in Tirana.
It is located on a new bu
For Rent 521-26V 550 €

Office space for rent in Tish Dahia street at Komuna e Parisit in Tirana. It is located on a new building, positioned on the second floor and equipped with ...

Office space for rent in Ymer Kurti street in Tirana, Albania.
It is situated on the 3-rd floor of
For Rent 1019-45S 1000 €

Office space for rent in Ymer Kurti street in Tirana, Albania. It is situated on the 3-rd floor of a shopping center. The office has a surface of 54 m2 organized ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent near Sami Frasheri street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on t
For Rent 321-8V 750 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent near Sami Frasheri street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 4th floor of a new building with elevator. It has a ...

Store space for rent in Zef Jubani street in Tirana, Albania.
The store is located on the ground fl
For Rent 1221-39N 1000 €

Store space for rent in Zef Jubani street in Tirana, Albania. The store is located on the ground floor of a new building. It has a space of 100 m2 which is ...

Office space for rent in Zef Jubani Street in Tirana.

The office is situated on the ground floor
For Rent 516-4K 250 €

Office space for rent in Zef Jubani Street in Tirana. The office is situated on the ground floor of a new building close to Selman Stermasi Stadium. It has 20 ...

Office for rent on the first and second floor of 3-storey villa.

It is located in Zef Jubani Stre
For Rent 1016-11L 1.000 €

Office for rent on the first and second floor of 3-storey villa. It is located in Zef Jubani Street very close to Wilson square, in Tirana The first floor has ...

Apartment for rent near Sulejman Delvina Street in Tirana

It is situated on the 3-rd floor in a n
For Rent 716-25b 650 €

Apartment for rent near Sulejman Delvina Street in Tirana It is situated on the 3-rd floor in a new building, close to Selman Stermasi Stadium. With 137 m2 of ...

Office space for rent in Zef Jubani Street, near Wilson Square in Tirana, Albania.
The office
For Rent 324-18Z 800 €

Office space for rent in Zef Jubani Street, near Wilson Square in Tirana, Albania. The office is positioned on the 3rd floor of a new building equipped with ...

Office space for rent in Zef Jubani Street in Tirana, Albania.
It is positioned on the third floor
For Rent 1022-4G 600 €

Office space for rent in Zef Jubani Street in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the third floor of a new building with an elevator. It has an area of 95m2 ...

Store space for sale in Zef Jubani street in Tirana.
Located on the ground floor of a new building
For Sale 224-37G 125.000 €

Store space for sale in Zef Jubani street in Tirana. Located on the ground floor of a new building The space offers a total area of 59m2 divided into 2 open space ...

Bar for rent in Sulejman Delvina street in Tirana.

The bar is situated on the underground floor o
For Rent 917-5K 1300 €

Bar for rent in Sulejman Delvina street in Tirana. The bar is situated on the underground floor of a new building close to the main street. The total surface ...

Two bedroom apartment for rent near Blloku area in Tirana.

Located on the 6th floor of a new buil
For Rent 421-30Z 500 €

Two bedroom apartment for rent near Blloku area in Tirana. Located on the 6th floor of a new building with elevator. It has an area of 106 m2 and is organized ...