Search for: Modern villa for rent near teg shopping center Real Estate Tirana

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One storey  villa for rent near  Acacia Hills 2 in Tirana.
It offers a total area of
For Rent 1023-2G 500 €

One storey  villa for rent near  Acacia Hills 2 in Tirana. It offers a total area of 115m2, which is organized into two bedrooms, a living room ...

Modern villa for rent in Xhimi Begeja street, part of a new complex in the Selita area of Tirana.
For Rent 1024-2A 1700 €

Modern villa for rent in Xhimi Begeja street, part of a new complex in the Selita area of Tirana. It has a construction area of 177m2, divided into two floors, and ...

Villa for sale part of a private residence very close to TEG shopping center in Lunder, Tirana Count
For Sale 218-24a 450.000 €

Villa for sale part of a private residence very close to TEG shopping center in Lunder, Tirana County. The compound is In the final process of finishing and will ...

Two storey villa for sale in Tirana Luxury Residence complex.
The land area is 800 m2 and the const
For Sale 419-70T 515.000 €

Two storey villa for sale in Tirana Luxury Residence complex. The land area is 800 m2 and the construction area is 322 m2. There are two identical brand new ...