Search for: Modern three bedroom apartment for rent in lunder area Real Estate Tirana

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Three bedroom apartment for rent in Myslym Shyri street in Tirana.

The apartment is situated on 7
For Rent 217-1d 700 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Myslym Shyri street in Tirana. The apartment is situated on 7th floor in a new building. It has an inner space of 140 m2 ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Perlat Rexhepi Street in Tirana.
It is situated on the 2nd floo
For Rent 1019-36L 450 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Perlat Rexhepi Street in Tirana. It is situated on the 2nd floor of an old building, on the side of the main street. It has ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent close to the Artificial Lake, in Peti Street in Tirana.

It is lo
For Rent 1018-52E 800 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent close to the Artificial Lake, in Peti Street in Tirana. It is located on the third floor of a new building. It has a surface ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Budi street in Tirana, Albania.

It is situated on the 3rd flo
For Rent 1218-2d 1000 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Budi street in Tirana, Albania. It is situated on the 3rd floor of a new building. The surface of the apartment is 198 m2 ...

Three bedroom apartment for sale in Rrapo Hekali street in Tirana.
The apartment is situated on the
For Sale 217-36d 220.000 €

Three bedroom apartment for sale in Rrapo Hekali street in Tirana. The apartment is situated on the 4th floor in a new building. It has a surface of 245 m2 ...

Three bedrooms apartment for rent in Sami Frasheri Street in Tirana

The apartment is situated on
For Rent 116-15K 600 €

Three bedrooms apartment for rent in Sami Frasheri Street in Tirana The apartment is situated on the fifth floor of a new building very close to the Artificial ...

Apartment for sale in Sami Frasheri street in Tirana.

The apartment is situated on the 8th floor
For Sale 1217-62R 220.000 €

Apartment for sale in Sami Frasheri street in Tirana. The apartment is situated on the 8th floor of a new building, with 140 m2 of total space. It is ...

A three bedroom apartment for rent is offered in Selita e Vjeter street in Tirana. 

The apar
For Rent 718-13E 650 €

A three bedroom apartment for rent is offered in Selita e Vjeter street in Tirana.  The apartment has a surface of 130 m2 and is situated in the third floor ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent close to the Zoo, in Shyqyri Brari Street in Tirana, Albania.

For Rent 419-7S 600 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent close to the Zoo, in Shyqyri Brari Street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 5-th floor of a new building. The flat has ...

Apartment for rent in Tish Dahia street in Tirana, Albania.

The apartment is situated on the seco
For Rent 1217-32R 500 €

Apartment for rent in Tish Dahia street in Tirana, Albania. The apartment is situated on the second floor of a new building next to Kristal Center in Tish Dahia ...

Apartment for rent in Vaso Pasha street in Tirana.

The apartment is situated on the fifth floor o
For Rent 118-27R 500 €

Apartment for rent in Vaso Pasha street in Tirana. The apartment is situated on the fifth floor of an old building next to the main street. The total surface ...

Modern villa for rent in Xhaferr Shaba Street in Tirana.

It is located in a new complex, close to
For Rent 1015-65b 3500 €

Modern villa for rent in Xhaferr Shaba Street in Tirana. It is located in a new complex, close to Tirana-Elbasan highway. The complex offers green spaces, ...

Modern three-bedroom apartment for sale in Xhanfize Keko Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the
For Sale 320-25a 240.000 €

Modern three-bedroom apartment for sale in Xhanfize Keko Street in Tirana. It is situated on the ninth and last floor of a new and modern building. It has a ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Zonja Curre street in Tirana.

It is located on the fourth flo
For Rent 818-17E 400 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Zonja Curre street in Tirana. It is located on the fourth floor of a new building. The surface of 140 m2 is organized in a ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Sauk area in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the first floo
For Rent 619-34T 1000 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Sauk area in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the first floor of a two storey building. With a total surface of 215 m2 it ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Sauk area in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the second flo
For Rent 619-36T 1500 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Sauk area in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the second floor of a two storey building. The apartment has a total ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Selita area in Tirana.

The apartment is situated on the secon
For Rent 918-4d 500 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Selita area in Tirana. The apartment is situated on the second floor of a three storey villa. It has a surface of 160 m2 ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent in the area between Komunes se Parisit and Selite, in the Street Ra
For Rent 120-30H 1200 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in the area between Komunes se Parisit and Selite, in the Street Rasim Kalakulla, Tirana. It is situated on the 2nd floor of a ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent near Karl Topia Square in Tirana, Albania.
The apartment is locate
For Rent 220-45S 500 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent near Karl Topia Square in Tirana, Albania. The apartment is located on the twelfth floor of a new building. It offers 117 m2 of ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent near Zogu i Zi area, in Mit Sokoli street in Tirana, Albania.

For Rent 619-25S 1000 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent near Zogu i Zi area, in Mit Sokoli street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 3-rd floor of a villa. It has an area of ...