Search for: Commercial-premises-for-sale-in-zenel-baboci-street Real Estate Tirana

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Commercial building for rent in Pjeter Budi street in Tirana, Albania.
With a total surface of
For Rent 1219-66T 7000 €

Commercial building for rent in Pjeter Budi street in Tirana, Albania. With a total surface of 522 m2 and building surface of 1177 m2 this property is ...

Commercial building for sale in Pjeter Budi street in Tirana, Albania.
This property has a tot
For Sale 1219-65T 1.700.000 €

Commercial building for sale in Pjeter Budi street in Tirana, Albania. This property has a total surface of 522 m2 and building surface of 1177 m2 organized ...

Store for rent in Sami Frasheri street in Tirana.

The store is situated on the ground floor of th
For Rent 218-31R 1750 €

Store for rent in Sami Frasheri street in Tirana. The store is situated on the ground floor of the Nobis Center compound next to the Grand Park of Tirana. The ...

Store for sale in Saraceve Street.
The store is situated on the first floor of new building near Se
For Sale 417-32K 214.000 €

Store for sale in Saraceve Street. The store is situated on the first floor of new building near Selvia area. It has 47 m2 organized in open space and 49 m2 ...

Store for sale in Saraceve Street.
The store is situated on the first floor of new building near Se
For Sale 417-33K 160.000 €

Store for sale in Saraceve Street. The store is situated on the first floor of new building near Selvia area. It has 31 m2 organized in open space and 51 m2 ...

Four storey building for sale in Zenel Bastari street in Tirana, Albania.
The building has a total
For Sale 120-25S 1.155.000 €

Four storey building for sale in Zenel Bastari street in Tirana, Albania. The building has a total land surface of 417 m2 and total construction surface of 1650 m2 ...

Office for rent near Petro Nini Luarasi school in Tirana.
Positioned on the first floor of a new bu
For Rent 315-44m 1000 €

Office for rent near Petro Nini Luarasi school in Tirana. Positioned on the first floor of a new building. In a highly preferred location near the area of Bllok, ...

Store for rent close to Dibra street in Tirana, Albania.

The store is located in a street just be
For Rent 118-63R 200 €

Store for rent close to Dibra street in Tirana, Albania. The store is located in a street just behind Servete Maci school, in Zenel Baboci street. It has a ...

Store for rent close to Selvia area in Tirana.
It is situated on the ground floor of a new building
For Rent 517-21L 400 €

Store for rent close to Selvia area in Tirana. It is situated on the ground floor of a new building very close to the main road. It offers an area of 72m2 ...

Store for rent near Dibra street, in Zenel Baboci street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the
For Rent 419-53S 150 €

Store for rent near Dibra street, in Zenel Baboci street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the underground floor of a new building. It has a surface of 42 ...

Two bedroom apartment for rent close to Barrikadave Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the 3-rd
For Rent 218-67L 370 €

Two bedroom apartment for rent close to Barrikadave Street in Tirana. It is situated on the 3-rd floor of a brand new building at the side of the main ...

Studio apartment for sale in Zenel Bastari street, in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the groun
For Rent 119-13S 200 €

Studio apartment for sale in Zenel Bastari street, in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building. It has a total surface of 35.5 m2 ...

Studio apartment for sale in Zenel Bastari street, near Siri Kodra street in Tirana.

It is locate
For Sale 1018-27E 30.000 €

Studio apartment for sale in Zenel Bastari street, near Siri Kodra street in Tirana. It is located on the first floor of a new building. It has a total ...

Warehouse for rent in Zenel Bastari Street in Tirana.
The warehouse is located in a well known area
For Rent 914-48j 800 €

Warehouse for rent in Zenel Bastari Street in Tirana. The warehouse is located in a well known area, where are a group of warehouses and many companies that ...

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Rilindja Square in Tirana. This building is built especially for
For Rent 616-6K 1400 €

Three bedroom apartment for rent in Rilindja Square in Tirana. This building is built especially for commercial center but there are also parts with apartments. The ...

Office space for rent in Ymer Kurti Street in Tirana.
The property is situated on the 3rd floor of
For Rent 10132j 500 €

Office space for rent in Ymer Kurti Street in Tirana. The property is situated on the 3rd floor of a shopping center where are too many offices, stores and ...

Office space for sale close to Sami Frasheri Street in Tirana.The property is situated on the 3rd fl
For Sale 1014-44j 140.000 €

Office space for sale close to Sami Frasheri Street in Tirana.The property is situated on the 3rd floor of a business center where are too many offices, stores and ...