Search for: Business-premises-for-rent-near-the-faculty-of-philology Real Estate Tirana

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Commercial business for rent in Don Bosco in Tirana.
The environment is located on the ground floor
For Rent 1023-17G 800 €

Commercial business for rent in Don Bosco in Tirana. The environment is located on the ground floor of a three-story villa. It offers a total area of 40m2, open ...

Store for rent on Dritan Hoxha street in Tirana near Karl Topia Square.
It is located on the g
For Rent 523-30R 400 €

Store for rent on Dritan Hoxha street in Tirana near Karl Topia Square. It is located on the ground floor of a building on the main street. The shop has ...

Commercial space for rent on Dibra street in Tirana.
The environment is positioned on the second fl
For Rent 623-28X 2500 €

Commercial space for rent on Dibra street in Tirana. The environment is positioned on the second floor of a new building with an elevator. The building is located ...

Commercial premises for sale near the Halili complex in Tirana.
The environment is positioned on th
For Sale 623-27X 497,200 €

Commercial premises for sale near the Halili complex in Tirana. The environment is positioned on the second floor of a new building with an elevator. It offers a ...

Shop for rent in Dibra Street near the Shkolla e Bashkuar, in Tirana, Albania.
The facility is posi
For Rent 223-14Z 250 €

Shop for rent in Dibra Street near the Shkolla e Bashkuar, in Tirana, Albania. The facility is positioned on the ground floor of a new building very close to the ...

Commercial premises for sale in Vellezrit Manastirli in Tirana.
The environment is located on the g
For Sale 523-51X 172.500 €

Commercial premises for sale in Vellezrit Manastirli in Tirana. The environment is located on the ground floor of an existing building. It has an area of 115 ...

Store  for rent in Durresi Street, on the first floor by the main road.
The total space of it
For Rent 1020-45i 820 €

Store  for rent in Durresi Street, on the first floor by the main road. The total space of it  is 45m2 and it  is offered empty. It is divided into ...

Store  for rent in Durres Street, first floor by the main road.
The space is 45m2. It is divid
For Rent 1020-46i 500 €

Store  for rent in Durres Street, first floor by the main road. The space is 45m2. It is divided into a small space at the entrance, and then separated with ...

Villa for rent in Durresi street, very close to the center of Tirana.
It has a total area of 160m2
For Rent 1123-2A 1500 €

Villa for rent in Durresi street, very close to the center of Tirana. It has a total area of 160m2 divided into two floors and a yard of 55m2. The first floor ...

Office space for sale near Faik Konica street in Tirana, Albania.
It is placed on the ground floor
For Sale 921-11V 75.000 €

Office space for sale near Faik Konica street in Tirana, Albania. It is placed on the ground floor of a new building, with a special entrance from the building ...

One bedroom apartment for rent in Hysen Cino Street, very close to the Faculty of Economics in Tiran
For Rent 422-14S 300 €

One bedroom apartment for rent in Hysen Cino Street, very close to the Faculty of Economics in Tirana. Located on the first floor of a villa. The surface of 60 m2 ...

Apartment for rent in Elbasani street, near the Faculty of Economics, in Tirana, Albania.
It is pos
For Rent 223-55Z 700 €

Apartment for rent in Elbasani street, near the Faculty of Economics, in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the 3rd floor of a new building with  elevator ...

Two bedroom apartment for rent in Hysen Cino street, near the Faculty of Economics in Tirana.

For Rent 1018-16E 350 €

Two bedroom apartment for rent in Hysen Cino street, near the Faculty of Economics in Tirana. It is located on the second floor of a three storey villa. The ...

Commercial space for rent located in Kavaja street near Skenderbej street.

It is positioned on th
For Rent 323-23R 600 €

Commercial space for rent located in Kavaja street near Skenderbej street. It is positioned on the ground floor of the building and has an internal area of ...

Commercial space for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana. 
The store it is positioned on the groun
For Rent 724-21X 3500 €

Commercial space for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana.  The store it is positioned on the ground floor of a new building.  It offers an inner surface of ...

Office space for rent located on Kavaja street, very close to the center of Tirana. 

For Rent 423-47A 7540 €

Office space for rent located on Kavaja street, very close to the center of Tirana.  Situated on the second floor of a new building, this office space ...

Esthetic center for rent in Elbasani Street, in Tirana, Albania.
The space is positioned on the 2nd
For Rent 1222-47Z 1500 €

Esthetic center for rent in Elbasani Street, in Tirana, Albania. The space is positioned on the 2nd floor of a very prestigious building with an elevator. It has ...

Bar-restaurant for rent on Emin Duraku street in Tirana.
It is located on the ground floor of an ol
For Rent 823-57R 1200 €

Bar-restaurant for rent on Emin Duraku street in Tirana. It is located on the ground floor of an old building. It has an internal surface of 82 m2 organized in 1 ...

Duplex commercial space for sale on Fadil Rada street in Tirana.
It is located on the first and sec
For Sale 424-33X 175.000 €

Duplex commercial space for sale on Fadil Rada street in Tirana. It is located on the first and second floor of a new building. The propety offers a total surface ...

Store for sale in Faik Konica street near Elbasani street in Tirana.
Positioned near the road, the
For Sale 123-63Z 248.000 €

Store for sale in Faik Konica street near Elbasani street in Tirana. Positioned near the road, the store is placed on floor 0 of a new building. The surface is ...

Office space for rent in Faik Konica street, in Tirana.
The house it is positioned on the 7th
For Rent 822-37Z 400 €

Office space for rent in Faik Konica street, in Tirana. The house it is positioned on the 7th floor of a new building with an elevator. It has a total area ...

Office space for rent in Faik Konica street in Tirana, Albania.
It is positioned on the 2nd floor o
For Rent 123-64Z 2600 €

Office space for rent in Faik Konica street in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the 2nd floor of a new building on the main street. It has an internal surface ...

Two bedroom apartment for rent in Gramoz Pashko street, very close to Ana Market, in Tirana, Albania
For Rent 823-7Z 450 €

Two bedroom apartment for rent in Gramoz Pashko street, very close to Ana Market, in Tirana, Albania. The house is situated on the 2nd floor of a private villa and ...

Apartment for rent in Gramoz Pashko Street, near the Faculty of Economics, in Tirana, Albania.
It i
For Rent 523-41Z 800 €

Apartment for rent in Gramoz Pashko Street, near the Faculty of Economics, in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the 2nd floor of a new building with ...