Search for: Apartment for rent close to vasil shanto school Real Estate Tirana

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Office space for rent in Kompleksi Kika 2, Tish Dahia street, Tirana.
It is postioned on the first
For Rent 822-9Z 350 €

Office space for rent in Kompleksi Kika 2, Tish Dahia street, Tirana. It is postioned on the first residential floor of a new building with an elevator inside the ...

Store for rent close to Dibra street in Tirana, Albania.

The store is located in a street just be
For Rent 118-63R 200 €

Store for rent close to Dibra street in Tirana, Albania. The store is located in a street just behind Servete Maci school, in Zenel Baboci street. It has a ...