Search for: Store for rent in astiri area Real Estate Tirana

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Store for sale in Astir area, in Sabri Preveza street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the gr
For Sale 319-14S 35.000 €

Store for sale in Astir area, in Sabri Preveza street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building. It has a surface of 25 m2 ...

Duplex store for sale near Catholic church in Tirana, Albania
It is located on the first floor of a
For Sale 319-46T 250.000 €

Duplex store for sale near Catholic church in Tirana, Albania It is located on the first floor of a new building in the main street. The store offers a total ...

Store spaces for sale in Albanopoli street in Tirana, Albania
The stores are located on the ground
For Sale 319-56T 1500 /m2 €

Store spaces for sale in Albanopoli street in Tirana, Albania The stores are located on the ground floor of a new building inside a complex. The stores offer ...

Store spacefor sale near Teodor Keko Street in Tirana. 
The store is located on the ground flo
For Sale 520-30D 55.000 €

Store spacefor sale near Teodor Keko Street in Tirana.  The store is located on the ground floor of a new building. It has an area of 50 m2 organized in an ...

Office space for rent near Pallateve Agmimi in Tirana, Albania.
It is situated on the ground floor,
For Rent 1121-37N 300 €

Office space for rent near Pallateve Agmimi in Tirana, Albania. It is situated on the ground floor, located in one of the most preferred areas to develop a ...

Store for rent in Bulevardi Blu Street in Kamez area.

It is located on the half basement of a new
For Rent 216-5b 500 €

Store for rent in Bulevardi Blu Street in Kamez area. It is located on the half basement of a new building, on the side of the main street. The store has 90 ...

Store for rent in Nikolla Jorga street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the ground floor of a
For Rent 719-29T 1000 €

Store for rent in Nikolla Jorga street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building close to main street. With a total surface of ...

Store for rent in Androniqi Zengo Antoniu street in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on the first f
For Rent 419-74S 300 €

Store for rent in Androniqi Zengo Antoniu street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the first floor of a 3 storey villa. It has a surface of 33 m2 organized ...

Store space for rent in Pazari i Ri area in Tirana, Albania

Is located on the ground floor of an
For Rent 419-43S 800 €

Store space for rent in Pazari i Ri area in Tirana, Albania Is located on the ground floor of an old building. It has a surface of 40 m2, organized in an open ...

Store space for rent in 23 street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the ground floor of an old b
For Rent 1119-29T 170 €

Store space for rent in 23 street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of an old building. The store has a surface of 25 m2 and is organized in: ...

Office space for rent in 29 Nentori street, near the Casa Italia area in Tirana, Albania.
For Rent 723-27Z 350 €

Office space for rent in 29 Nentori street, near the Casa Italia area in Tirana, Albania. The apartment is positioned on the 5th floor of a newly ...

Store space for rent near 4 Deshmoret street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the ground floor
For Rent 222-16N 700 €

Store space for rent near 4 Deshmoret street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a three-storey villa, positioned on the main road. It has an ...

Commercial space for rent in Alush Frakulla street in Tirana.
The store it is positioned on the gro
For Rent 823-19X 300 €

Commercial space for rent in Alush Frakulla street in Tirana. The store it is positioned on the ground floor of a two-storey private building. It offers an inner ...

Store for rent near Brryli area, in Arkitekt Kasemi street, in Tirana, Albania.

It is located on
For Rent 219-7S 850 €

Store for rent near Brryli area, in Arkitekt Kasemi street, in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of an new building. It has a total surface ...

Store for rent near Bashkia Street in Tirana.

It is located on the ground floor in a new com
For Rent 815-31b 1000 €

Store for rent near Bashkia Street in Tirana. It is located on the ground floor in a new complex, recently built. The complex has good organization with ...

Shop for rent in Selvia area in Tirana.
Located on the ground floor of a new building with an eleva
For Rent 124-2G 1200 €

Shop for rent in Selvia area in Tirana. Located on the ground floor of a new building with an elevator. The area of 89 m2 is organized in an open space, toilet, ...

Store for rent in Saraceve Street in Tirana.

It is located on the underground floor in a new buil
For Rent 415-53b 300 €

Store for rent in Saraceve Street in Tirana. It is located on the underground floor in a new building on the side of the main street. The shop has 126 m2 of ...

Shop space for rent in Eduart Lir Street in Tirana.
The environment is located on the ground floor
For Rent 122-26N 3000 €

Shop space for rent in Eduart Lir Street in Tirana. The environment is located on the ground floor of a one-storey building by the main road. The shop has a total ...

Store for rent close to 21-Dhjetori area in Tirana.

It is situated on the 1-st floor of an old bu
For Rent 418-58L 350 €

Store for rent close to 21-Dhjetori area in Tirana. It is situated on the 1-st floor of an old building near the main street. With total area of 65m2 is ...

Commercial space for rent in Frederik Shiroka Street in Tirana, Albania.
It is positioned on the gr
For Rent 923-46A 320 €

Commercial space for rent in Frederik Shiroka Street in Tirana, Albania. It is positioned on the ground floor of a new building, by the road. It has a surface of ...

Office space for rent in Komuna e Parisit area in Tirana, Albania.
It is situated on the ground flo
For Rent 120-55S 800 €

Office space for rent in Komuna e Parisit area in Tirana, Albania. It is situated on the ground floor of a new building. The store has a surface of 256 m2, is ...

Store space for rent in Haxhi Kika Street in Tirana.

It is located on the half underground floor
For Rent 1118-35L 400 €

Store space for rent in Haxhi Kika Street in Tirana. It is located on the half underground floor of a new building, very close to the main street. It offers a ...

Store space for rent in Him Kolli Street in Tirana, Albania.
Located on the ground floor of a new b
For Rent 1221-36N 350 €

Store space for rent in Him Kolli Street in Tirana, Albania. Located on the ground floor of a new building near the main road. It has a surface of 33.5 m2. It is ...

Store for rent on Idriz Guri Street in the Astir area of Tirana.

The office is located on the 1st
For Rent 1124-31C 350 €

Store for rent on Idriz Guri Street in the Astir area of Tirana. The office is located on the 1st floor of a newly built building. The space has an area of ...