Search for: Store for rent in Kamez area in Tirana Real Estate Tirana
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For Sale
418-57L 97.500 €
Store for sale in Frederik Shiroka Street in Tirana. It is situated on the 1-st floor of an old building very close from the main road. It has total surface ...
For Rent
719-20S 650 €
Store space for rent near Kavaja street in Frederik Shiroka street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building. It has a surface ...
For Sale
718-49L 11.000 €
Store for sale close to Selvia area in Tirana. It is situated on the ground floor of a new building close to the main road. It offers total area of 20 m2 ...
For Rent
114-12b 1200 €
4 - Storey Villa for rent in Gramozi Street in Tirana. The villa has a surface of 470 m2 and 120 m2 is building, built in 2000 and is filled with trees and green ...
For Sale
114-13b 400 000 €
4 - Storey Villa for sale in Gramozi Street in Tirana. The villa has a surface of 470 m2 and 120 m2 is building, built in 2000 and is filled with trees and green ...
For Sale
814-31b 105.000 €
Apartment for sale in Koder Kamez area. The property is located on the main road and built in 1985.� Also, it has access in Kastriotet ...
For Rent
1118-35L 400 €
Store space for rent in Haxhi Kika Street in Tirana. It is located on the half underground floor of a new building, very close to the main street. It offers a ...
For Sale
1118-31L 150.000 €
Store space for sale in Haxhi Kika Street in Tirana. It is located on the ground floor of a new building, very close to the main street. It offers a total ...
For Rent
120-55S 800 €
Office space for rent in Komuna e Parisit area in Tirana, Albania. It is situated on the ground floor of a new building. The store has a surface of 256 m2, is ...
For Sale
917-33L 338.100 €
Store for sale in Ismail Qemali Street in Tirana. It is situated on the -1 floor of a new building at the side of the main street. It offers an total area of ...
For Rent
1119-72H 3500 €
Store space for rent in Janos Hunyadi street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building. With a total surface of 175 m2 it is ...
For Rent
517-26d 800 €
Store space for rent in Kodra e Diellit street in Tirana. The store is situated on ground floor of a new building. It has a surface of 450 m2 organized ...
For Rent
120-41T 1200 €
Store space for rent in Muhamet Deliu street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the underground floor of a new building on the edge of the main street. The ...
For Rent
1018-39L 1000 €
Store for rent close to 21 Dhjetori area in Tirana. It is situated on the ground floor of a two storey building at the side of the main road. It offers total ...
For Rent
1018-37L 900 €
Store space for rent near 21-Dhjetori area in Tirana. It is located on the ground floor of a two storey building, near the main street. The shop has an area ...
For Rent
1118-19L 750 €
Store space for rent near the Zogu Zi area in Tirana. It is located on the ground floor of a 2-storey building very close to the main street. It offers a ...
For Rent
319-52T 380 €
Store space for rent near Muzaket street in Tirana, Albania The store is located on the ground floor of a new building. It has a total surface of 86 ...
For Rent
718-39E 650 €
Store for rent in Pjeter Budi street, in Qytet Studenti area. The space has a surface of 130 m2 and is divided in two floors with inner stairs. It is used for ...
For Sale
718-38E 190.000 €
Store for sale in Pjeter Budi street, in Qytet Studenti area. The inner surface of the store is 130 m2 and it is divided in two floors with inner stairs. The ...
For Rent
1019-1T 1800 €
Store space for rent in Pjeter Budi street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor on the side of the main street. With a total surface of 150 m2 ...
For Rent
1217-66L 400 €
Store for rent in Riza Cerova Street in Tirana It is situated on the ground floor of a new building very close to the main road. It offers surface of 75m2 ...
For Rent
1217-64L 800 €
Store for rent close to Qemal Stafa Street in Tirana. It is located on the first floor of a new building, on the side of the main road. The store has ...
For Rent
119-27S 300 €
Store space for rent in Unaza e Re area, in Sabri Preveza street, in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the ground floor of a new building. It has a surface of ...
For Rent
119-29S 300 €