Search for: Office rent in Kavaja Street in Tirana Real Estate Tirana

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Office space for rent near Kavaja Street in Tirana.

Located on the 2nd floor of a new building wi
For Rent 522-13V 600 €

Office space for rent near Kavaja Street in Tirana. Located on the 2nd floor of a new building with elevator. It has an area of 104 m2 organized in 3 rooms, 2 ...

Commercial premises for sale in Vellezrit Manastirli in Tirana.
The environment is located on the g
For Sale 523-51X 172.500 €

Commercial premises for sale in Vellezrit Manastirli in Tirana. The environment is located on the ground floor of an existing building. It has an area of 115 ...

Office for rent in the Durresi street, near the Colosseu Hotel, in Tirana, Albania.
The office is p
For Rent 223-48Z 900 €

Office for rent in the Durresi street, near the Colosseu Hotel, in Tirana, Albania. The office is positioned on the 3rd floor of an old building on the main ...

Commercial space  for rent in Delijorgji Complex in Tirana.
The space is part of a new buildin
For Rent 123-56R 1000 €

Commercial space  for rent in Delijorgji Complex in Tirana. The space is part of a new building and is located in its ground floor. It is currently divided ...

Commercial space for rent located in Kavaja street near Skenderbej street.

It is positioned on th
For Rent 323-23R 600 €

Commercial space for rent located in Kavaja street near Skenderbej street. It is positioned on the ground floor of the building and has an internal area of ...

Duplex apartment for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the 5-th floor of a
For Rent 1019-73T 600 €

Duplex apartment for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 5-th floor of a new building with elevator on the side of the main ...

Office space for rent in the Square 21 complex in Tirana.
The office is situated  on the fou
For Rent 421-19D 600 €

Office space for rent in the Square 21 complex in Tirana. The office is situated  on the fourth floor of the complex, newly built and previously unused. It ...

Duplex apartment for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the 7-th floor of a
For Rent 820-7D 600 €

Duplex apartment for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 7-th floor of a new building with elevator on the side of the main ...

Office space for rent in Delijorgji Complex in Kavaja street, in Tirana.

It is located on the sec
For Rent 918-18E 1800 €

Office space for rent in Delijorgji Complex in Kavaja street, in Tirana. It is located on the second floor of a new block of buildings. The surface is 250 m2 ...

Office for rent in the new complex in front of Globe Center in Tirana.

It is situated on the 2-nd
For Rent 1217-47L 450 €

Office for rent in the new complex in front of Globe Center in Tirana. It is situated on the 2-nd floor of a new building very close to the main road. The ...

Apartment for office for rent near Vace Zela Street in Tirana.

It situated on the 9-th floor in a
For Rent 616-35b 400 €

Apartment for office for rent near Vace Zela Street in Tirana. It situated on the 9-th floor in a new building, in front of Globe Shopping Center. The flat ...

Office space for rent located on Kavaja street, very close to the center of Tirana. 

For Rent 423-47A 7540 €

Office space for rent located on Kavaja street, very close to the center of Tirana.  Situated on the second floor of a new building, this office space ...

Office space for rent in Kavaja street, located in one of the newest buildings in the area. 
For Rent 423-9A 1000 €

Office space for rent in Kavaja street, located in one of the newest buildings in the area.  Positioned on the 18th floor of the building, the office is ...

Office space for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana, Albania.
It is situated on the third floor of a n
For Rent 315-20m 400 €

Office space for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana, Albania. It is situated on the third floor of a new building with elevator in one of the favorite areas of the ...

One bedroom apartment for rent near 21 Dhjetori area in Tirana, Albania

It is located on the fift
For Rent 319-39T 350 €

One bedroom apartment for rent near 21 Dhjetori area in Tirana, Albania It is located on the fifth floor of a new building with elevator. The flat has a total ...

One bedroom apartment for rent in Delijorgji complex in Tirana, Albania.
It is located on the 3-d f
For Rent 1119-46T 300 €

One bedroom apartment for rent in Delijorgji complex in Tirana, Albania. It is located on the 3-d floor of a new building with elevator. The apartment has a total ...

Two-bedroom apartment for rent in Kavaja street near 21 Dhjetori crossroad in Tirana, Albania.
It i
For Rent 521-30V 400 €

Two-bedroom apartment for rent in Kavaja street near 21 Dhjetori crossroad in Tirana, Albania. It is part of an old building, which is not equipped with elevator ...

Office for rent close to the Center of Tirana.

It is situated on the first floor of a 3-storey bu
For Rent 317-44L 300 €

Office for rent close to the Center of Tirana. It is situated on the first floor of a 3-storey building, closet o main road. With an area of 70m2 it is ...

Apartment for office for rent close to the Center of Tirana.

It is situated on the 6-th in a new
For Rent 1117-4L 600 €

Apartment for office for rent close to the Center of Tirana. It is situated on the 6-th in a new building, on the side of the main street.  The building ...

Business cpace on Kavaje street in Tirana.
It is located on the ground floor of an existing buildin
For Rent 923-32G 1500 €

Business cpace on Kavaje street in Tirana. It is located on the ground floor of an existing building near the main road. It has a total surface of 50m2 and is ...

Office space for rent in Kavaja street in 21 Dhjetori area in Tirana, Albania.
Placed in a new buil
For Rent 621-25V 600 €

Office space for rent in Kavaja street in 21 Dhjetori area in Tirana, Albania. Placed in a new building equipped with elevator, it is positioned on the 2nd ...

Office space for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana.
The office is located on the second floor of the
For Rent 923-15R 500 €

Office space for rent in Kavaja street in Tirana. The office is located on the second floor of the new building with elevator. It has an internal surface of 95 m2 ...

Apartment for office for sale at the beginning of Kavaja Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the
For Sale 214-51b 400.000 €

Apartment for office for sale at the beginning of Kavaja Street in Tirana. It is situated on the upper floor in a new building near the main street. The ...

Office for rent at the beginning of Kavaja Street in Tirana.

It is situated on the first floor of
For Rent 317-43L 300 €

Office for rent at the beginning of Kavaja Street in Tirana. It is situated on the first floor of a 3-storey building, closet o main road. It has an area of ...